
Here’s what our cabaret community is saying about ONCE YOU HAVE FOUND IM…:

“One of the most enjoyable evenings I’ve ever spent at Mama’s.”

“Hilarious, moving, gorgeously sung and played.”

“…a knock-out show!”

“So fantastic!!!!”

“Terrifically ENTERTAINING”

“…an INCREDIBLE show! Loved every second of it!”

“The IMs put on the best show, filling an entire venue with beautiful music, laughter, tears…”

“Wonderful! If you have the chance, go see it.”

“Loved it!! Dreamy voices and witty banter!! Fun show…GO!!”

Cabaret, It’s About Tim(e)!:

“…a beautiful, funny, loving, joyous evening at Pangea. Brilliant, clever songs that switched from here to there so quickly and perfectly. What a great show!”

“You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll laugh!”

As B.J. Gibson, The 1940's Radio Hour:

"Tim Cahill sings 'You Go to My Head' ringingly, and his 'How About You' with Alexis Henderson sounds fresh and winsome." - Lawson Taitte, The Dallas Morning News

As Don Pedro de Azagra, The Lovers:

"Tantalizingly not used to full potential is the tall, handsome Tim Cahill, a graduate of prestigious Indiana University, who now resides in Allen. He has the sort of commanding presence that would make him worth watching while reciting random names from a phone book and a focused immersion on stage that should lead him to many major roles of a national scope. His singing voice is absolutely spectacular. He is the sort of performer who is capable of totally revitalizing “hackneyed” roles and will probably set new standards by which other performers will be judged as his career unfolds.  What a delight to observe someone just getting warmed up. I’m sorry that he had a secondary role and did not get to carry more of The Lovers with his capable talents and strengths. ...And how often do you get the chance to see a star glimmer before he lights up the whole sky?"

- Alexandra Bonifield, Independent Arts Writer

"The true stand-out(s) of the cast were undoubtedly Tim Cahill as Don Pedro...Don Pedro expresses his love for Isabel throughout the piece, despite her protestations, and in the most moving song of the night, "Si N’os Huviera Mirado," Mr. Cahill so beautifully sings and emotes that I had to wonder what was WRONG with Isabel that she didn’t give into this guy! A most impressive performance." - Carol Rice,

"Best performance of the show is Tim Cahill, portraying the second suitor, Don Pedro, with a singing voice that could charm the birds out of the trees and a powerful stage presence to match." - Alexandra Bonifield, Pegasus News

As Nireno, Giulio Cesare:

"...Timothy Cahill as Cleopatra's confidant, Nireno, should not be denied mention. They fully entered into the spirit of the affair, each with singing that also honored Handel's music." - Peter Jacobi, The Herald-Times